Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How to Pass a Drug Test

how to pass a drug test

How to Pass a Drug Test for Dummies

If you want to learn how to pass a drug test, you've come to the right place. It's pretty simple really, to pass a drug test you simple have to do three things:

1. Figure out what type of drug test you'll be taking
2. Stop Using Drugs
3. Get the Drugs Out of Your System

I know that seems stupid, but it's really all there is to it. I'm going to let you do the first steps for how to pass a drug test. I'm sure you can handle figuring out what type of test it is and stop using drugs. But what I'm here to do is help you pass your drug test using my secret "how to pass a drug test" methods. So here's how you get the drugs out of your system for each test:

How to Pass a Mouth Swab Drug Test

To pass a mouth swab drug test is actually fairly difficult. Really, the only thing that works is specialty mouthwash. This moutwash will cleanse your saliva of drugs for 30 minutes, so use it right before you take the test. That's about all I can tell you, the good thing about passing a mouth swab drug test is that the drugs get out of your saliva faster than your urine or hair. So just stop using a few days before the test and you should be perfectly fine.

How to Pass a Drug Test - Urine

Urine is the oldest type of drug test and there are some tried and true methods for passing it. You can either: dilute your urine or substitute clean urine for your own. It's that simple. If you think you have time to dilute, than just buy a detox drink and start chugging. If you used drugs too close to the test, than you have to substitute. Buy some fake urine or borrow some from a friend and you'll be just fine. 

How to Pass a Drug Test - Hair Follicle

Hair follicle drug tests are the hardest to pass. I'm not even going to both explaining anything besides telling you to get the shampoo. The shampoo is the key, nothing else works for this type of drug test.

We hope this helped you learn how to pass a drug test. Here's to your continued success in the world of drugs, without having to worry about how to pass a drug test!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to tell you Berry but the information you are passing out here is dishonest and untruthful. This blog represents everything thats wrong with people today in spades. What do I mean? What I mean is that you have sold out your personal integrity in order to make a few quick bucks by pimping for this snake oil that you must know by now don't work, can't work and will never work. In other words Berry you haven't solved the problem ...you have become part of the problem and the impact of your ethical lapse is that good people are going to rely on what you tell them ...are going to buy some of these products, fail their tests, lose their job and be hurt ...some of them for a long time. I know you won't allow this to ever post because it will cause it to rain on your money making idea but I hope that you think long and hard about what you are doing and the people and families that will suffer and at a bare minimum pull down the shampoo and mouthwash ads ...and stop overselling the detox products ...you know that NONE of that stuff works. Sell synthetic urine where at least they won't have a dirty test to contend with ... please!
